Membership Renewal 2025

Please fill out this form and click submit. You will receive a confirmation email.
Please select all that apply.
Member Agreements

      I agree to be faithful to my own spiritual path by growing in consciousness and staying awake to the direction of Spirit.

      I agree to support the mission of this spiritual community by participating in our Sunday celebrations, events, and community meetings as my schedule permits.

      I agree to share my time and talent with our community through participation in Spirit Groups or some form of sacred service that deepens my connection to this community.

      I agree to financially support Unity of Madison’s mission of transforming lives.

(For your convenience, our Consistent Giving Program allows you to sign up for safe, secure giving via a credit card or automatic deduction from a designated account.  You choose the frequency, the amount, and the method to insure your donations are received even if you can’t attend the service.)

Membership Status

Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click submit. You will receive a confirmation email.